Campus-Initiative for International Talents

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In order to make an effective contribution to securing skilled labour in Germany, the DAAD is using funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to support German higher education institutions with the "Campus-Initiative for International Talents" in developing support structures and career services for international students and graduates in Germany.

Skills shortage & potential of universities

In Germany and worldwide, the demand for academically qualified specialists is increasing, particularly in the STEM professions as well as in the fields of medicine, nursing and education. International students and academics offer great potential here.

In the winter semester 2022/23, international student numbers in Germany reached a record high. Germany remains an attractive place to study, not least because of the good career prospects. Nevertheless, many international students drop out of their studies: 45% of Bachelor's students and 31% of Master's students. Of the approximately 50,000 international students who complete their studies each year, over half study STEM subjects. Despite the desire to stay and generous legal opportunities, many graduates are unable to enter the German job market. One year after graduation, around a third are still looking for work.

Specialist programs as part of the Campus-Initiative: "FIT" & "Profi plus"

In order to prepare international prospective students specifically for the requirements of studying in Germany, to support them in their integration into their studies and subsequently in their transition into the German job market, the “FIT” program promotes the development of measures for study preparation, study support and study success assurance as well as the expansion of career services for international students at German universities. 

The “Profi plus” program supports the development of academic qualification courses for international academics at German universities with the aim of making it easier for participants to take up an appropriate career in Germany. 

Dialogue with universities, politics and business

The measures within the framework of the “FIT” and “Profi plus” university funding programs are accompanied by an intensive dialogue with politicians and relevant stakeholders in science and society in order to bundle knowledge on the recruitment of international skilled workers and make it accessible to relevant bodies and the interested public.

Accompanying studies

As part of the Campus-Initiative for International Talents, scientific studies are carried out to close research gaps. The aim is to optimize the framework conditions for the integration of international skilled workers and to promote fair migration.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Unit - P43 
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DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service